Rio Poker Galfond Challenge

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For the first time since the Galfond Challenge began on Jan. 22, Phil Galfond has ended a session in the outright lead against his high-stakes cash game heads-up opponent, VeniVidi1993. Click Here To Check Out Elliot Roe’s A-Game Poker Masterclass. Summary: In this episode, Phil Galfond talks about The Phil Galfond Challenge, his series of challenges playing high-stakes PLO against some of the world’s best. He shares how the challenge came about, why he created it, and what he has been doing to prepare.


In this episode, Phil Galfond talks about The Phil Galfond Challenge, his series of challenges playing high-stakes PLO against some of the world’s best. He shares how the challenge came about, why he created it, and what he has been doing to prepare. Elliot and Phil discuss the mindset shifts that Phil has undergone, and he opens up about the hidden fear that has kept him from studying.

Listen in to hear Phil share what makes Run It Once different– and learn why he won’t need a vacation after these challenges are completed.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

[01:30] – The Phil Galfond Challenge

  • 02:25 – Elliot’s course and discussions inspired some of Phil’s big moves and made the challenge possible
  • 03:15 – The challenge idea came about because his video views were going down; he still has more guidance and wants to teach people
  • 04:05 – He challenged any other training site coach to a match; 50,000 hands with 3:1 odds
  • 04:20 – He’s playing on Run It Once since he’s outside of the U.S.; it’s a big promotion for Run It Once poker
  • 04:50 – They opened it up to not just coaches to make sure they had a match
  • 05:05 – He’s excited to play high-stakes poker for a length of time; he’ll brush up on his game and get better

[06:00] – On opponents and game structures

  • 06:05 – As of the recording, he has matches set up with some of the best in the world and other matches still need details to be discussed
  • 08:20 – He’s planning on playing for four months in Vancouver, but he’ll likely have to play beyond that
  • 09:00 – With the Thirst Lounge 10, Phil won’t know who he’s playing; he won’t enjoy that because he won’t be able to study tells and leaks

[10:10] – The streaming rules

Rio Poker Galfond Challenge Games

  • 10:15 – He’ll stream cards up with anyone else who’ll do the same; challenges will have commentators and PLO analysts on Run It Once’s Twitch

[11:20] – What’s different about Run It Once

  • 11:35 – He didn’t like what he was seeing on other poker sites, so he was inspired to be a player supporting the longevity of online poker
  • 12:10 – The three challenges facing online poker: Bots, regulation, and the loss of the casual player
  • 13:10 – When players lose more slowly, there are more of them playing at a time; if they lose quickly, they leave the pool
  • 14:35 – Phil believes it’s possible to have people winning and people losing that still enjoy the game
  • 15:40 – The table alias system anonymizes you; HUDs aren’t allowed but they have dynamic avatars
  • 16:20 – The stats are easy to understand for all players; they also have a “splashed pot” and legends
  • 18:05 – It has been tough to make changes because they don’t know how the community will react; outreach and being in touch with players has been important

[19:15] – On the role of mindset in Phil’s challenges for him and his opponents

  • 19:20 – He doesn’t think most people will be impacted by the fact that they’ll be streamed on Twitch; the schedule will be the toughest part
  • 19:40 – There are financial penalties if players in the challenge take time off, so he won’t be able to break when he normally would
  • 20:20 – His biggest challenge will be dealing with the negative swings and errors without taking breaks

[20:40] – On others not wanting to play long sessions

  • 21:00 – He only has one person, Chance, who wants to play the long sessions (as of this recording)

[21:10] – Something Phil picked up from the mindset course that’ll help him in the challenge

  • 21:15 – He’s moving past his fear of studying; he was always successful at poker without having to try too hard and now he’s learning that he needs to study
  • 22:20 – He’s realizing that he doesn’t want to find out that he’s not as smart as he thinks he is; he finds it easier now to work through worst and best-case scenarios
  • 22:35 – He’s starting to build up his ability to study

[23:15] – More information on the challenges

  • 23:30 – They’ll be broadcasted on
  • 23:45 – They play 5x/week with Sundays and Wednesdays off; they have a page where you can see the matches
  • 24:50 – He hopes that the challenges will help Run It Once grow and get more attention

[25:20] – Phil’s post-challenge treat

  • 25:40 – He sees this challenge as being the treat; he’s getting a vacation from full-time work on the site

3 Key Points

  1. Challenges are learning opportunities.
  2. Set the ego aside and study so you can get even better!
  3. If you love what you do, doing it feels like vacation!


  • A-Game Poker Masterclass – Website
  • Stream the Phil Galfond Challenge here

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It took almost four months after the end of the second match of the Galfond Challenge to start the third one. Phil is now battling against Chance Kornuth, and after 1,600 hands played, Galfond has a slight advantage of $13,400.

Why is Chance Kornuth a unique contender?

Initially, Phil and Chance agreed to start the match on September 16, but it was postponed for a week. Apparently, both grinders took this challenge seriously. Here is some spice to the story:

Both Galfond and Kornuth are founders of poker schools — Run it Once (RIO) and Chip Leader Coaching (CLC), respectively. Therefore, this is not only a game between two famous American players but also a battle of schools.

Kornuth added a 'Galfond Challenge' page on his website to update his followers about the results and updated his Twitter profile with the line 'Galfond Challenge UnterTaker.' We can conclude that playing against Galfond is a major thing for him.

Phil Galfond vs. Chance Kornuth: first two days results

The players have agreed on the following terms:

  • Stake: $100/$200
  • Length: 35,000 hands
  • Side bet: €1,000,000 : €250,000 (Galfond/Kornuth)
  • Site: (both participants are now in Las Vegas)

On the first day, they played precisely 750 hands in more than 5 hours. The highlights can be seen in this video:

As a result, Kornuth won 33 thousand dollars. The biggest pot had $75k in the middle (timeline 29:40). In a 4-bet pot, Phil bet all the way with a low suited board and only a pair of tens. In the river, Galfond bet the pot, and after a few moments, Chance called with pocket aces and won the hand.

Day 2: Highlights

On the second day, Phil recovered the losses and ended with a profit of more than $10k, although in one of the first hands, he lost about $24,000. Galfond won the biggest pot (timeline 15:33) for $53k, with two pairs beating a KK. 900 hands were played during the session.

Such results suggest that this match will be as exciting as the VeniVidi1993 one when Phil snatched a victory for only 8BB.

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Rio Poker Galfond Challenge Results

Rio Poker Galfond Challenge

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